Mediterranean Sea


 “In 2019, Spain, France and Italy committed to deliver sustainable fisheries in the Western Mediterranean by 2025, delaying by five years the sustainability obligation set by the CFP for 2020. Today, scientists are raising the alarm: none of the 2022 management scenarios evaluated will end overfishing by 2025 unless those same countries adopt drastic reductions in fishing effort. To prevent France, Italy and Spain from continuing to jeopardize the future of Mediterranean fisheries and the thousands of EU citizens that rely on it for their livelihoods, we call on the European Commission to act with emergency measures, before it’s too late”.

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The Mediterranean boasts crystal-clear waters almost all year round. It’s one of the best places to both teach and learn how to scuba dive. Instructors can see into the eyes of their students, even from afar, and know what they are thinking thanks to the astonishing clarity of the water. But why is the med clearer than most other regions of the world?

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Es muy llamativo el elevado número de cadáveres similares en un mismo espacio playero. Los atunes no presentaban signos de ataque de orcas o de traumatismos. En días sucesivos han aparecido más cadáveres entre El Palmar y Zahara de los Atunes. Los atunes se retiraron de las playas con inusitada rapidez.

En las actuales almadrabas, en muchas ocasiones, ya no realizan la “levantá” o la saca de los atunes que han caído en las redes desde un círculo de barcos atuneros. Ahora desde la red de la almadraba son conducidos a través de otra red en forma de tubo hasta una jaula de engorde donde pueden permanecer meses hasta que engordan y ser vendidos oportunamente.

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When we talk about protecting the environment and combating pollution, our mind usually goes to causes and causers that are difficult for us as citizens to influence, such as industrial pollution. Frequently do not think about the large environmental footprint caused by our daily consumption habits, i.e. the personal hygiene products, cosmetics and cleaning products that we use and end up in the marine environment, polluting it with the harmful or toxic chemicals they may contain.

In the difficult battle that Archipelagos Institute is giving for the protection of our seas, it is very important to have the citizens on our side, as each of us can make a difference if we change our daily consumption habits. Especially those related to the heavy footprint that we cause daily to the natural environment, often unintentionally.

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The Balearic Sea Report 2021 compiles information on the state of the marine environment in order to improve its management and ensure its proper conservation.

Palma, 21st April 2021

The main marine research centres, the Government of the Balearic Islands and the Marilles Foundation have today published the 2021 version of the Balearic Sea Report. A tool that makes publicly available the best available and up to date information on the state of the Balearic Sea.

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Roma, 16 marzo 2021- 100 ricercatori facenti capo a 37 Università e Centri di ricerca italiani e esteri hanno firmato un appello indirizzato al governo italiano per sostenere urgentemente l’istituzione di una riserva marina nel canale di Otranto, tra Italia e Albania.  L’obiettivo è il recupero di stock ittici in grave sofferenza, la conservazione di ecosistemi marini vulnerabili e il ripopolamento dell’Adriatico.  La proposta avanzata da MedReAct e dall’Adriatic Recovery Project alla Commissione Generale per la pesca nel Mediterraneo (CGPM), prevede la chiusura alla pesca di fondo di una zona ricca di habitat sensibili e specie vulnerabili e una riduzione dello sforzo di pesca nelle aree limitrofe.

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