Call to Action: Ending illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea

Date: September 25, 2023
Ending illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea: A Call to Action for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

A Call to Action for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean 

Taking decisive action to end bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea in areas where it is already banned, and hence considered illegal, should be a top priority for all GFCM Contracting Parties responsible for promoting sustainable fisheries and protecting marine biodiversity. First, it is vital to recognise that not only is illegal bottom trawling taking place in the Mediterranean, but this destructive practice is putting ecosystems and livelihoods at risk, and that many protection measures currently exist only “on paper” – i.e., without full enforcement. Second, urgent steps must be taken to end illegal bottom trawling by strengthening transparency, compliance, and the enforcement of GFCM measures.To help accelerate government action, several member organisations of the Med Sea Alliance (MSA) have joined forces to examine and expose illegal bottom trawling and recommend concrete solutions to both national authorities and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).


EN: Ending illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea – A Call to Action for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

FR: Mettre fin au chalutage de fond illicite en Méditerranée – Appel à l’action adressé à la Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée

ES: Acabar con la pesca ilegal de arrastre de fondo en el Mediterráneo – Un llamamiento a la acción para la Comisión General de Pesca del Mediterráneo

IT: Fermiamo la pesca illegale con le reti a strascico nel Mar Mediterraneo – Appello rivolto alla Commissione Generale per la Pesca nel Mediterraneo

AR: إنهاء صيد الأسماك بشباك الجر في البحر الأبيض المتوسط

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Ending illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea: A Call to Action for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
Call to Action: Ending illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean Sea
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