Restoring the Mediterranean: Our Priorities for Change
The Med Sea Alliance seeks to improve the well being of the Mediterranean by driving policy change, supporting the protection of vulnerable and ecological areas and the ending of illegal and destructive fishing.

Protecting Critical Marine Habitats
The Med Sea Alliance is committed to achieving the ambitious goal of 10% strict protection and 30% real protection of the Mediterranean Sea by 2030. By establishing and effectively managing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), we strive to safeguard critical ecosystems, enhance biodiversity, and restore fish stocks, ensuring that future generations can thrive in and benefit from a healthy Mediterranean. Our work supports local communities and engages stakeholders across the region to create a network of resilient and well-managed MPAs.

Ending Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing
The Med Sea Alliance exposes and combattes illegal bottom trawling in protected Mediterranean areas by leveraging advanced mapping tools, investigations, and advocacy to drive systemic change. Through collective action and strategic partnerships, we work to enforce accountability, improve compliance, and protect marine ecosystems from destructive fishing practices.

Exposing Illegal Bottom Trawling in Protected Areas
The Med Sea Alliance is dedicated to enhancing transparency in fishing practices and ensuring that policies against illegal fishing are effectively enforced. In 2023, progress was made when the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) introduced new rules to address ongoing violations, enabling action against non-compliant countries.However, these improvements are not enough to fully protect the Mediterranean’s ecosystems and fish stocks. The Med Sea Alliance will continue working with the European Commission, GFCM, and key countries—including those outside the EU—to strengthen enforcement of existing rules and increase transparency in the fishing industry.

Regional Compliance Mechanism
A robust compliance system ensures that binding regulations on fisheries management are properly implemented, creating a level playing field across the basin. Strengthening compliance is not just about regulations—it’s about accountability, equity, and ensuring that conservation efforts deliver measurable improvements for biodiversity, coastal communities, and the resilience of the Mediterranean Sea.
Our Impact
Expansion and Improvement of Marine Protected Areas
In Spain, the alliance played a key role in advancing the expansion and improvement of Marine Protected Areas, working with local and national authorities to identify critical ecosystems and ensure their protection. This effort contributed to increasing the area under protection, fostering biodiversity recovery, and enhancing marine ecosystem resilience.
Get Involved Now
The Mediterranean Sea, a vital hub of marine biodiversity, is facing an unprecedented threat from illegal fishing practices