The report highlights the persistent issue of illegal bottom trawling in Italy’s Biological Protection Zones (ZTBs), which undermines marine conservation efforts due to inadequate enforcement and management. It underscores the potential of ZTBs to restore fish stocks and promote sustainable fisheries if authorities commit to effective regulation and protection.
Members Involved

We are a group of senior marine campaigners and NGOs that jointly worked to promote an ambitious reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). We coordinated the coalition OCEAN2012 in Greece, Cyprus, France, Italy and Spain (, which helped securing the CFP main objective of stopping overfishing by 2020.
As part of this effort we activated and led national NGOs platforms, joining forces with those who were not part of OCEAN2012, such as Greenpeace and WWF.

Get Involved Now
The Mediterranean Sea, a vital hub of marine biodiversity, is facing an unprecedented threat from illegal fishing practices